Club Drug Panel

Test #:
This drug test screens for two of the most commonly abused club drugs, Flunitrazepam (roofies) and GHB
/ per individual receiving this test
Club drugs is a term that describes a variety of psychoactive drugs that tend to be abused by teens and young adults at nightclubs, parties and concerts.
- Rohypnol® is a trade name for flunitrazepam, a central nervous system (CNS) depressant that belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. Flunitrazepam is also marketed as a generic preparation and other trade name products outside the United States. Like other benzodiazepines, Rohypnol® produces sedative-hypnotic, anti-anxiety, and muscle relaxant effects. This drug has never been approved for medical use in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration. Outside the United States, Rohypnol® is commonly prescribed to treat insomnia. Rohypnol® is also referred to as a “date rape” drug. Common street names include ROOFIES, MEXICAN VALIUM, CIRCLES, and the FORGET ME PILL.
- Gamma-hydroxybutyric (GHB), also known as Xyrem®, is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant prescribed to treat narcolepsy (a sleep disorder). It exists naturally in the brain but at much lower concentrations than when GHB is taken recreationally. Much like Rohypnol, this drug is available in an odorless, colorless, and tasteless form. Users may call it easy lay, G, Georgia home boy, GHB, goop, grievous bodily harm, liquid ecstasy, liquid X, or scoop.
This club drug panel screens for two of the most commonly abused club drugs in the United States
- FLUNITRAZEPAM, also known by the trade name ROHYPNOL.
Please be informed that this particular drug test includes highly specialized substances, and it may take up to 2 weeks or longer to get results.